Panasonic LFV8 Series 49" Ultra-Narrow Bezel IPS LCD Video Wall Display

RSD 381.544
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The LFV8 Series 49" Ultra-Narrow Bezel IPS LCD Video Wall Display from Panasonic features a bezel width of 0.14", making it suitable for video wall installations. It features AGLR (Anti-Glare Low-Reflection) panel for improving visibility by adding a low-reflection coating instead of the anti-glare treatment. The display offers a maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080 and brightness rating of 450 cd/m2

The Multi-Display function enlarges images to up to 100 times their original size. It can increase image size using the same zoom ratio in both vertical and horizontal directions to suit 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4, 5 x 5, and 10 x 10 video-wall configurations, or can apply different ratios to suit alternative screen layouts. In this way, users can maximize the image size according to size and shape of a video wall configuration

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