MacBook Pro po veleprodajnim cenama

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Dizajniran za profesionalce koji traže vrhunski uređaj, MacBook Pro donosi neviđenu snagu, inovativne funkcije i neverovatnu pouzdanost. Bez obzira na to da li radite u kreativnim industrijama, IT sektoru ili se bavite analizom podataka, MacBook Pro je vaš ključ do savršenstva.

Prednosti MacBook Pro laptopa

MacBook Pro je opremljen najnovijim Apple M2 Pro i M2 Max čipovima koji pružaju vrhunske performanse i energetsku efikasnost. Bez obzira na to da li renderujete video zapise u 4K rezoluciji, programirate kompleksne algoritme ili se bavite 3D dizajnom, MacBook Pro omogućava brz i besprekoran rad.

Sa Retina ekranom koji nudi izvanrednu rezoluciju, širok spektar boja i True Tone tehnologiju, sve što radite izgleda bolje na MacBook Pro-u. Idealan za fotografe, dizajnere i video montažere koji zahtevaju precizan prikaz boja i detalja.

MacBook Pro je dizajniran da izdrži sate neprekidnog rada. Sa baterijom koja traje i do 20 sati, možete raditi bez prekida, bilo da ste u kancelariji, kod kuće ili na putu.

Sa integrisanim GPU-om visokih performansi, MacBook Pro omogućava rad sa grafički intenzivnim aplikacijama, poput video montaže, animacija i 3D renderovanje bez ikakvih zastoja.

Sa do 8TB SSD prostora za skladištenje, MacBook Pro vam omogućava da sačuvate sve svoje projekte, fajlove i aplikacije na jednom mestu. Brzina učitavanja i pristupa podacima je munjevita, osiguravajući nesmetan rad i brzu produktivnost.

Uz Touch ID, šifrovanje podataka i Secure Enclave vaši podaci su uvek sigurni. MacBook Pro je dizajniran da štiti vašu privatnost i sigurnost podataka u svakom trenutku.

Osim toga, MacBook Pro se savršeno usklađuje sa drugim Apple uređajima, kao što su Apple sat ili iPad

MacBook Pro pomaže da ostvarite najambicioznije ciljeve. Sa vrhunskom snagom, impresivnim ekranom i naprednim funkcijama, MacBook Pro postavlja nove standarde u performansama i mobilnosti. Uz MacBook Pro vaša produktivnost i inovativnost dostižu novi nivo!

Takođe, ako vas zanimaju i drugi modeli, pogledajte našu ponudu MacBook Air laptopova

Ako imate nedoumice prilikom kupovine MacBook Pro laptopa, pišite nam mejl ili nas pozovite.

Ušteda 13%
Apple M3 8-Core Chip 8GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 3 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | FaceTime HD 1080p Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad | Touch ID...
Ram8GB Core number8 Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSilver Video adapter10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 233.100 RSD 268.900 -13%
Ušteda 12%
Apple M4 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...


16GB 24Gb 32GB

Velicina hard diska:

512GB 1TB 2TB


Silver Space Black
Ram16GB Core number10 Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSilver Video adapter10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 238.100 RSD 272.100 -12%
Ušteda 12%
Apple M4 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...


16GB 24Gb 32GB

Velicina hard diska:

512GB 1TB 2TB


Space Black Silver
Ram16GB Core number10 Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSpace Black Video adapter10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 238.100 RSD 272.100 -12%
Apple M3 8-Core Chip 8GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 3 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | FaceTime HD 1080p Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad | Touch ID...
Ram8GB Velicina hard diska1TB ColorSpace Gray Video adapter10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 271.900
Screen Type Retina Display Screen Size 14.2 inches Screen Resolution 3024 x 1964 Touch Screen No Refresh Rate 120Hz Brightness 1000 nits Processor Model Apple M3 Storage Type SSD Total Storage Capacity 1000 gigabytes System Memory (RAM) 8 gigabytes Graphics Apple M3...
Ram8GB Velicina hard diska1TB ColorSilver Video adapter10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 271.900
Ušteda 11%
Apple M4 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...


16GB 24Gb 32GB

Velicina hard diska:

1TB 512GB 2TB


Space Black Silver
Ram16GB Core number10 Velicina hard diska1TB ColorSpace Black Video adapter10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 272.100 RSD 306.100 -11%
Apple M4 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad | Touch...


16GB 24Gb 32GB

Velicina hard diska:

1TB 512GB 2TB


Silver Space Black
Ram16GB Core number10 Velicina hard diska1TB ColorSilver
RSD 287.840
Apple M4 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad | Touch...


24Gb 16GB 32GB

Velicina hard diska:

512GB 1TB 2TB


Silver Space Black
Ram24Gb Core number10 Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSilver
RSD 287.840
Apple M4 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad | Touch...


24Gb 16GB 32GB

Velicina hard diska:

512GB 1TB 2TB


Space Black Silver
Ram24Gb Core number10 Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSpace Black
RSD 287.840
Apple M3 8-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 1TB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 3 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | FaceTime HD 1080p Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad | Touch ID...
Ram16GB Velicina hard diska1TB ColorSpace Gray Video adapter10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 288.900
Ušteda 12%
Apple M4 Pro 12-Core Chip 24GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 16-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 5 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...


24Gb 48GB

Velicina hard diska:

512GB 1TB 2TB 4TB


Space Black Silver
Ram24Gb Core number12 Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSpace Black Video adapter16-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 299.100 RSD 338.300 -12%
Ušteda 11%
Apple M4 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...


24Gb 16GB 32GB

Velicina hard diska:

1TB 512GB 2TB


Space Black Silver
Ram24Gb Core number10 Velicina hard diska1TB ColorSpace Black Video adapter10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 302.600 RSD 340.100 -11%
Ušteda 10%
Apple M4 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...


24Gb 16GB 32GB

Velicina hard diska:

1TB 512GB 2TB


Silver Space Black
Ram24Gb Core number10 Velicina hard diska1TB ColorSilver Video adapter10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 304.300 RSD 338.300 -10%
Ušteda 10%
Apple M4 Pro 12-Core Chip 24GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 16-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 5 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...


24Gb 48GB

Velicina hard diska:

512GB 1TB 2TB 4TB


Silver Space Black
Ram24Gb Core number12 Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSilver Video adapter16-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 304.300 RSD 338.300 -10%
Apple M3 Pro 11-Core Chip 18GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 14-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | FaceTime HD 1080p Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...
Ram18GB Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSpace Black Video adapter14-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 322.900
Apple M3 Pro 11-Core Chip 18GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 14-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | FaceTime HD 1080p Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...


18GB 36GB

Velicina hard diska:

512GB 1TB 2TB 4TB


Silver Space Black
Ram18GB Core number11 Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSilver Video adapter14-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine
RSD 322.900
Apple M2 Pro 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14.2" 3024x1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 16-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | FaceTime HD 1080p Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad |...
Ram16GB Velicina hard diska512GB
RSD 349.825
Apple M4 10-Core Chip 16GB Unified RAM | 512GB SSD 14" 3024 x 1964 Liquid Retina XDR Screen 10-Core GPU | 16-Core Neural Engine Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) | Bluetooth 5.3 Thunderbolt 4 | HDMI | MagSafe 3 SDXC Slot | 12MP Center Stage Camera Backlit Magic Keyboard Force Touch Trackpad | Touch...


32GB 16GB 24Gb

Velicina hard diska:

512GB 1TB 2TB


Silver Space Black
Ram32GB Core number10 Velicina hard diska512GB ColorSilver
RSD 349.900
Prikazi sledecih 18 product
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